Stores regulations

Article 1. General

  1. These Regulations define the general conditions of cooperation of Verseo spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with Contractors as part of the Website in the domain (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") in the scope of providing paid services by Verseo consisting in taking actions aimed at presenting the Goods available on the Website under Online stores run by contractors.
  2. The Website administrator is Verseo spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Poznań (60-122), at ul. Węglowa 1/3, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000910174, with NIP: 7773257986 (hereinafter referred to as "Verseo").
  3. The Regulations do not apply to customers who are natural persons, using the service on the Website for purposes not related to professional or business activity.
  4. In terms of services provided electronically, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in Art. 8 of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services.
  5. The condition for starting cooperation on the Website is the conclusion of the Agreement. The contract is concluded for an indefinite period.
  6. In order to use the Website, it is necessary to have a computer or other device with Internet access and software for browsing and using websites, as well as an e-mail account operating on any server.
  7. When using the Website, the Customer is obliged to refrain from any illegal activities, in particular from :;
    1. using the Website directly or indirectly for purposes contrary to the law or for the purpose of violating the law,
    2. use the Website in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations, decency or generally accepted principles of using the Internet,
    3. use the Website in a way that does not infringe the rights of Verseo, other clients or third parties, in particular by providing false or someone else's data,
    4. impersonating other entities or abuse of rights,
    5. delivering by or to data causing work disruption, overloading IT systems or unauthorized modification of data contained in the Website and its parts,
    6. when logging in to the Website, using data to which the Customer has the exclusive right to access.


Article 2. Definitions

User - internet user using the Website.

Website - an internet platform in the domain run by Verseo, which is a Goods comparison website, used for presentation, promotion and advertising of Goods offered by Contractors running Online Shops.

Contractor - an entrepreneur who has concluded an Agreement with Verseo, who runs the Online Store, the Website client.

Online store - an online store constituting an organized collection of websites and IT tools allowing Users to purchase products or services via the Internet and presented through the Website.

Goods - a product or service presented on the Website and offered by Verseo Contractors in Online Stores via the Website.

Agreement - an agreement for an indefinite period concluded between the Contractor and Verseo in the manner specified in the Regulations, the subject of which is Verseo's cooperation with the Contractor as part of the Website in the provision of Verseo services under the conditions specified in the Regulations and the Price List.

Services - services provided by Verseo as part of the Website, which make it possible to compare the prices of products of Online Stores, as well as to present, advertise and promote the Goods offered by Online Stores on the Website.

Regulations - these regulations.


Article 3. Terms of cooperation

  1. The condition for establishing cooperation with the Website and using the Website Services is registration by the Contractor.
  2. Registration on the Website and further cooperation of the Contractor with Verseo consisting in presenting and comparing the Goods of the Online Shops and redirecting Users to the Online Shops is payable in accordance with the Price List available on the Website.
  3. The condition for the cooperation of the Contractor with Verseo is to correctly register by filling in the registration form on the Website and accepting these Regulations and the Price List.
  4. Registration on the Website begins by completing the application form on the Website, through which the registrant's data is provided, in particular: company name, tax identification number, REGON number, KRS or CEIDG number, full contact address with the name of the country, e-mail address and the contact telephone number, as well as the details of the person responsible for contacting the operator of the Online Store and basic data of the Online Store. Registration, as well as all further activities on the Website, can only be made by a person who is authorized to perform these activities and to exercise all rights and obligations for the Contractor.
  5. After sending the form, the applicant receives a message informing about registration to the e-mail address provided in the form. Verseo may require you to provide additional data or perform the necessary steps to register.
  6. As a result of correctly completed registration, an Agreement is concluded between Verseo and the Contractor, the subject of which are Services provided under the conditions set out in these Regulations. The contractor also receives access to the set of data created for him (hereinafter referred to as the "account"), which he can use after providing the e-mail address and password (login).
  7. The Contractor may terminate the cooperation with Verseo at any time with a 1-month notice period, by sending an electronic termination notice. The deletion of the account and information about the Goods offered in the Contractor's Online Store will take place within 72 hours of receiving the notice. The contract will be terminated upon deletion of the account, however not earlier than after the Contractor's definitive settlement with Verseo.
  8. Verseo may terminate cooperation with Verseo with 1 month's notice, without giving any reason.
  9. Verseo may terminate the cooperation with the Contractor with a seven-day notice period or with immediate effect when:
    1. The contractor violates the provisions of the Regulations. including, in particular, Article 1 point 7 of the Regulations, or applicable law.
    2. The Counterparty provided false or incomplete data specified in Article 3 point 4 of the Regulations, and the submission of which is required under the provisions of the Regulations, or submitted by accepting the Regulations, or the data referred to in Article 3 point 4 were deleted by the Counterparty while using the services Service.
    3. The Contractor's goods presented on the Website violate the law or the rights of third parties.
    4. If the Contractor is in arrears with any payments for the Services provided on the Website for a period of 7 days from the payment deadline specified in the invoice.
    5. The Contractor's actions or omissions adversely affect Verseo's reputation or otherwise harm Verseo.
    6. Lack of proper cooperation of the Contractor, preventing or seriously hindering Verseo from the proper implementation of the Agreement.


Article 4. Provision of the Service

  1. Provision of the Service by Verseo takes place by posting on the Website the commercial offer of the Online Store in the scope and manner described in further sections of the Regulations.
  2. The Online Store's commercial offer is placed on the Website on the basis of the information provided by the Contractor about this offer, sent to Verseo at the email address: [email protected] and after the payment for the Services has been settled in accordance with the Price List and a VAT invoice issued by Verseo, if the Service is payable. The Contractor is fully responsible for providing up-to-date and true information about products, provided to Verseo via the electronic form on the Website's website in a data file saved in XML or other format required by external suppliers - the Service Operator (Google search engines and the Merchant Center Product Center) ).
  3. After verification of the commercial offer by Verseo, the Contractor receives information about the launch of the Service on the Website ("Service Confirmation") to the e-mail address provided during registration. The remuneration for Verseo is paid monthly in advance, on the dates indicated in the Order Confirmation, in accordance with the Price List on the basis of a VAT invoice issued by Verseo.
  4. The services may be payable (according to the Price List). If the Service is payable, the Service is launched after payment of remuneration to Verseo. The amount of the Service will be increased by the VAT due. The service is launched only after the payment is credited to Verseo's bank account and is activated for a period of 30 days. Renewal of the Service for the next 30 days is made by paying the invoice by the end of the current period for the next month. Failure to pay will suspend Verseo from providing the Service.
  5. During the cooperation, the Contractor and Verseo may agree on a use other than the indicated settlement model. Adoption of such a model takes place on the terms presented by Verseo and approved by the Contractor.
  6. Contractors receiving invoices are required to pay the amount due indicated in this invoice. The default form of sending invoices is to make them available in electronic form. Acceptance of the Regulations constitutes at the same time acceptance for sending (sharing) invoices in electronic form, within the meaning of the provisions on tax on goods and services, on the terms described in the Regulations.
  7. The presentation of a given offer of the Online Store on the Website also includes providing Users with a link to the shopping page of a given Online Store, which enables the purchase of the presented Goods directly on the website of the Online Store.
  8. VERSEO has the right to discontinue the provision of the Services, if their proper performance depends on the proper fulfillment of the obligations of individual Operators (in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the regulations for the provision of services by these operators) necessary to provide the Services specified in the Regulations, without the right to compensation (e.g. Google).
  9. Verseo provides the Contractor with the necessary information and advice on integration and cooperation with the Website. Verseo reserves the right to refuse to cooperate with the Contractor, without giving any reason.
  10. The Contractor agrees to subject the Online Store and the Goods to Users' assessment, expressed in the form of opinions published on the Website.
  11. It is forbidden to present on the Website offers concerning Goods prohibited by law, violating the principles of good manners, or constituting acts of unfair competition.


Article 5. Contractor's rights and obligations

  1. The contractor is obliged to run the Online Store in accordance with applicable law. The contractor should provide his full name and current contact and registration data on the website of the Online Store and update them on an ongoing basis, as well as other elements required by law, in particular consumer law and regulations regarding the protection of personal data. The contractor should provide gross prices.
  2. The Counterparty undertakes to conduct business in accordance with the law, in particular to have valid licenses or permits required by law; in a situation where the permit or concession has expired, the Contractor is obliged to immediately inform Verseo about this fact.
  3. The Contractor declares that the offered Goods do not infringe the rights of third parties and are free from legal and physical defects.
  4. By sending and presenting their offers on the Website, the Contractor acknowledges and agrees to their comparison, aggregation and presentation by Verseo in an analytical and synthetic manner.
  5. If Verseo receives information about the presentation of the Goods in any way that violates the provisions of the above point 4.6. Verseo has the right to immediately suspend the provision of the Services, which does not exclude Verseo's further rights (including compensation) provided for in the Regulations.
  6. The Contractor declares that he has the right to use all materials and intangible goods on his website, including trademarks, photos and descriptions used to mark the Goods offered in the Online Store and to mark the Online Store itself.
  7. The Contractor is obliged to fulfill obligations towards Users in accordance with the terms of the offer indicated in the provided data file. The Contractor is fully responsible for the execution of the order placed by the User redirected from the Website to the Online Store.
  8. The contractor bears full responsibility for the false statements and assurances and for failure to comply with the obligations arising from these Regulations.
  9. The Contractor bears all costs related to the provision of technical conditions necessary to provide the Services specified in the Regulations.
  10. The Contractor acknowledges that the provision of the Service depends on external suppliers, including Google search engine operators and the Merchant Center and Verseo Product Center, is not responsible for any failures. However, it aims to restore the state in line with the desired one.
  11. The Contractor is fully liable to Verseo and external suppliers through which the Services are provided for physical and legal defects of the marketing and advertising materials provided, which are the basis for the proper performance of the Services by Verseo, and in the event of any claims by third parties, Verseo will fully compensate for any damage resulting from the above-mentioned damage. .


Article 6. Verseo rights and obligations

  1. Verseo undertakes to present the Goods offered in the Online Store provided on the terms set out in these Regulations.
  2. Verseo undertakes to update the Contractor's offer once a month, as long as a new file with data on the Goods has been generated.
  3. Verseo will integrate the new Online Store within 21 days from the date of sending the correct data file. Integration may be delayed when there are technical problems with interpreting the data file.
  4. Verseo's liability for non-performance or improper performance of the Services is limited to the amount of the fee paid by the Contractor for the Service.
  5. The fees paid by the Contractor are non-refundable.
  6. Verseo, by providing the Services, does not in any way become a party to transactions made by the Contractor with the Users. The parties to the contract are solely responsible for the performance of the contract concluded between the Contractor and the User.
  7. Verseo is not responsible for the content of the Contractor's Online Store pages, improper performance or non-performance by Users or the Contractor of obligations resulting from transactions concluded in the Online Store.
  8. Verseo is not responsible for the quality, safety or legality of the Goods sold in the Online Store and presented on the Website. The Contractor is solely responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided by the Contractor and other parties to transactions concluded in the Online Store.
  9. Verseo is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Contractor, or for the compliance of the information with the offer presented in the Online Store.
  10. Verseo is not responsible for incorrect redirections from the Website to the Online Store resulting from incorrect preparation or updating of the data file by the Contractor.
  11. Verseo nie ponosi odpowiedzialności z tytułu strat Kontrahenta wynikających z przerwania, zawieszenia lub odmowy świadczenia Usług.


Article 7. Technical breaks in the operation of the Website

  1. Verseo has the right to make breaks in access to the Services in order to modernize the Website, breaks necessary for expansion, remove possible failures, other random events.
  2. Verseo undertakes to make every effort to ensure that interruptions in the functioning of the Website are carried out at the least burdensome time for the Contractor. Verseo will inform the Contractor about the planned breaks 24 hours in advance via e-mail.
  3. Verseo shall not be liable for damages resulting from disruptions in the operation of internet connections, technical breaks referred to in points 1 and 2, and other independent from it, which may affect the provision of the Services.
  4. Verseo is entitled to refuse, at any time, to display on the Website any content or graphic materials that there is a suspicion that may violate the law, rights of third parties or good manners or offend feelings, including religious feelings.
  5. Verseo reserves the right to remove all or part of the offer of the Contractor's Online Store from the Website, terminate cooperation with the Contractor and remove it from the Website, or suspend the provision of all or part of the Services at any time when:
    1. there is a fear that illegal activities are or may be taken via the Online Store;
    2. obtains reliable information about the unlawful nature of the Goods presented by the Contractor on the Website;
    3. the Contractor's actions or omissions violate the Regulations or adversely affect the good name of Verseo or otherwise harm Verseo;
    4. The Contractor is in arrears with any payments to Verseo for services provided on the Website for a period longer than 30 days or takes steps to avoid the obligation to pay the fees due to Verseo.
  6. A Kontrahet that has been removed may re-register on the Website only after obtaining the prior consent of Verseo.


Article 8. Protection of personal data

  1. Verseo makes every effort to ensure the protection of confidential data and information provided by the Contractor. Verseo uses organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of the data and information provided, including measures required by applicable law.
  2. Detailed rules for the processing of personal data are specified in the Privacy Policy and cookies available on the Website.


Article 9. Complaints procedure

  1. The contractor may submit a complaint if the services provided for in these Regulations are not performed or are performed contrary to the provisions of the Regulations.
  2. The complaint may be submitted within 14 days from the date of the event which is the subject of the complaint.
  3. Complaints may be submitted electronically via the contact form on the Website in the Contact tab, in electronic form to the address [email protected] or in the form of a registered letter to the address Verseo.
  4. The complaint should contain at least: the name and surname / name of the Contractor, his e-mail address, the name of the Contractor's Online Store, the circumstances justifying the complaint, as well as the Contractor's specific request related to the submitted complaint.
  5. If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, Verseo, before considering the complaint, will ask the Contractor to supplement it in the indicated scope.
  6. Verseo recognizes the complaint within 30 days from the date of receipt of a properly submitted complaint (containing the required elements and not requiring supplementation).


Article 10. Final Provisions

  1. Verseo is entitled to amend the Regulations.
  2. In the event of a change to these Regulations, Verseo will inform the Contractors about it on the Website.
  3. The Regulations enter into force on the date indicated in its amendment, but not earlier than 10 days from the date of its announcement by Verseo.
  4. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of Polish law, in particular the Civil Code, shall apply.
  5. If some provisions of the Regulations are found invalid in a judgment of a court or other authorized body, the remaining provisions remain valid.
  6. The law applicable to contracts between Verseo and the Contractor is Polish law. Any disputes arising from the application of the Agreement, including the Regulations, will be settled by the court having jurisdiction over the seat of Verseo.
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